Tag Archives: Web Content Management System

Aweber’s Brilliant Strategy Wins Over Top Bloggers

 There was a time when I was shopping for a good autoresponder service, and I was stuck between Aweber and GetResponse. At that time, both services were quite similar in terms of features and pricing. Boy how that has changed!

Over the past year, after speaking to god, Aweber’s tops minds have maneuvered the biggest u-turn among all their competitors, and have made Aweber not only relevant in the new Web 2.0 world, but an essential and integral part of it!

I was (probably) one of the first bloggers to start using the Aweber broadcast feature to integrate my RSS and email subscriptions, merge it and manage everything via an “ezine” format. This helped avoid choosing between building an email list or RSS list, since I could do both!

Since then a lot of bloggers have done the same, and in time Aweber was the top choice used by almost all bloggers in the “make money” niche including John ChowYaro Starak

Then Aweber went a little further and introduced even more exciting features like the Feedburner integration Twitter integration, email segmentation, and even their own “social proof” mechanism. Although other service like GetResponse followed suite with their own blog to email syndication service, it was perhaps a case of “too little too late”.

In fact, most bloggers who didn’t quite start out with direct marketing (like I did) have only ever used Aweber, due to strong recommendation from other bloggers. Besides, Justin Premrick does a excellent job at updating the Aweber blog with the best email marketing advice, tips, and tactics. His title of “education manager” further reveals Aweber’s strategy of perfecting the art of social marketing.
underline;”>Aweber has also produced a lot of great online training and webinars. In short, they are no longer just an autoresponder service. They are also the experts, the market movers, and the source of great marketing knowledge. With their massive effort to reinvent themselves (after 9 years), I truly feel they have come to be synonymous with the term “email marketing” itself.

If you haven’t signed up with Aweber yet, I strongly recommend that you get yourself an account here:



For more info and to get on the priority notification list, go to:


Web Content Management System for Window

The phrase used in the title, “web content management system fr window” is a real-life example of a common search engine typo. In fact, within that phrase, the “o” and the “s” are missed so often that search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN have recorded the phrase “web content management system fr window” as searched about 481 times on a monthly average.

You might ask how this affects your search engine searches. Well, let us use the same phrase for an example. Typing the phrase you are looking for, “web content management system for windows,” yields about 29.6 million indexed pages in Google, 14.7 million in Yahoo, and 2.3 million in MSN. However, the typo “web content management system fr window,” only slightly different from what you really meant to type, yields drastically different results: 654 thousand indexed pages in Google, 131 thousand in Yahoo, and 56.5 thousand in MSN.

That doesn’t seem so bad. Who doesn’t want to narrow down the search? The problem is that the number of indexed pages is not the only difference with search engine typos; the poor search engines are trying to find the most relevant pages they can to the misspelled search, but it may not find what you need. On the one hand, you have tens of millions of relevant pages with a correct search; on the other hand, you have hundreds of thousands of semi-relevant pages. Which would you rather have?

Search engine typos are very common, but they do alter the relevance of your results.


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